Why I Made This Site

Cancer is a monster. That monster has attacked those I love. In my family alone we have experienced more than 10 cases of cancer and more than 5 different types. Many of these cases have been melanoma.

While I have known several victims of cancer, my family was blessed to be a family of SURVIVORS!

That is until September 11, 2008 when the youngest cancer survivor in my family lost her courageous battle at the age of 31.

This site is dedicated in her name, too all those who are fighting this monster. To the families who hold their hearts and hopes tightly in prayer that the battle will be won. To those who have fought the good fight and now live only in our hearts. To those families who now fight on their behalf. To anyone who wears a ribbon in memory of someone who lost their battle with this monster.

What you will find here

On the left you will find:

  • Lists of those lost to the battle as well as links to the pages where their memorials are located.
  • Resource websites on melanoma and cancer
  • Stores where you can purchase awareness merchandise
  • Links to poetry and words of loss

Below you will find:

  • Quick reference resources to help you identify melanoma to keep yourself healthy

If you have a melanoma or cancer website that you would like linked to this page, please leave the link in the wishes area below this post. I will happily link to any resource page, memorial site, or awareness merchandise shop!!



CelticBuffy said...

I wear black every day for work but wear it now with a new awareness upon my heart. Black in remembrance of what melanoma and other cancers can wreak on your life.

Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful tribute to Lisa. Thank you so much for this. I find comfort in it.

If we had to loose her, I hope her memorial website will save another life.

We will love you forever Lisa.

Thank you again Fairy Princess for this loving tribute to her.

Your Fairy Godmother

Anonymous said...

May I link this to my blog and our family forum?

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Taking a little time to visit a few of your other blogs and see where you have been hiding. Sorry for your loss.

I have two uncles who are in their very late 50s. They were all about sun, sand and tans in their younger days before we were all made so well aware of the damage sun can do under the wrong circumstances.

They both have dealt with multiple surgeries and removals of cancerous spots. Luckily, it hasn't been life threatening...just disfiguring in some ways.

She was way too young...

Kim said...


My 20 year old is 1.5 years MM free today because we had the small black unremarkable mole removed even tho' 3....YES....3...DR's told us ....NOT TO WORRY...

I you ever need anything going forward in your MM mission.... WE ARE HERE for YOU.....ALL !!

Shine Brite !

Carebear said...

Wow. I will definitely think of Lisa when I wear black now. We would have been the same age.

Just this week a male co-worker was giving me a hard time for my fair skin, telling me I "needed a tan" and should visit the tanning beds. I told him, no, I'm pale on purpose - I wear sunscreen daily to protect my skin. Why would I go chasing after cancer?

I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your cousin, taken from our world too soon. What a wonderful tribute to her memory this site is...

Unknown said...

Love Your Skin provides information, personal experiences, inspiration, and resources for those effected by melanoma in some way. My name is Emily Brown and I am working with Proleukin to help them broaden awareness of their cancer treatment program and resources. I undertand that you were treated with IL-2 and therefore are very familiar with immunotherapy. Proleukin has been used for over 10 years in the treatment of Metastatic Melanoma and for over 15 years in the treatment of metastatic kidney cancer. Besides offering treatment options, Proleukin.com offers a vast amount of resources for patients and physicians who are battling these types of cancer. Would you be willing to look at http://www.proleukin.com, and include a link to it as 'Metastatic Melanoma' if you believe it is a valuable resource for your readers?
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions at all, or for more information.

Skinvogue said...

This is very pathetic. Everyone should care their health to avoid cancer. I really like your post. Now, I take care my skin from damaged cell, the pigmentation marks, the lines and wrinkles etc and keep the skin health with the obagi products like obagi kits. Thus I minimize the cause of skin cancer and stay happy .

igetadeal said...

This is an amazing post. I want to keep safe me and my family from skin cancer. Thus I always keep the skin fresh and new by using the trusted obagi products. Anyone can buy obagi with an amazing obagi discount and safe their money.